How do you want to BE in 2023?
It’s that time of year when we are re-examining how we want to live and what we need to change. Many set New Year’s resolutions in attempts to build new habits, while others may choose a specific “word of the year” as their intention to focus on for the next 365 days.
Yet most people lack the willpower and accountability to stay committed to hard change (because change can be really, really hard!). Research (and practice) has shown that sticking to our resolutions is hard – 77% of people don’t even last a week according this this psychological study!
Action must be grounded in resonant intention around our values to produce true and lasting change. If we end up getting everything done and we don’t like the person we’ve become in all of the hustle of doing, then what?
As a productive and hyper-paced society, we’ve traded in sufficiency for efficiency and sold out for productivity over fulfillment. We often focus on what we need to DO instead of who we need to BE.
What if we adopted a more nurturing approach to behavior change in 2023? (while still accomplishing “enough”). Join us this month as we explore what self care means and how to regularly practice more of it in ways that we can stay fully committed to throughout the year ahead!
Redefining Self Care
What if we became as adamant about self care as we did about accomplishing what’s on our “to do” list? That would be a radical revolution that would allow our society to truly exhale! Harvard-trained MD, Dr. Sara Gottfried champions you to “replace your vicious stress cycle with a vicious cycle of self-care.”
But what does self care really look like? It’s less about the spa days and more about the daily behaviors that create a culture of care and mindfulness in our everyday lives. Behaviors like…
Going to bed earlier
Moving our bodies regularly
Single tasking and taking breaks
Eating slowly without distractions
Stretching and deep breathing
Truly connecting with others
Hydrating our bodies
Showing gratitude for your body and the talents you possess…and passing that gratitude on to others!
What intentions (BE) and practices (DO) for self care are you ready to activate this year?
Living Intentionally
Living based on intention is an inside-out process that starts with claiming space for what you need most now. What do you need more of now?
Whatever you’re craving now, take a moment to name it here and use these questions to guide your reflection:
What is my life craving in this season?
How would my life look and feel differently if I had “enough” of this?
What is something I have control over doing (or not doing) to make this happen (even a little bit)?
Name any barriers or obstacles in the way. What can I do about these?
Who are my biggest champions? List anyone who you can share this and celebrate with. Now select one person who can hold you accountable and reach out to them.
What is one thing I am ready to commit to doing in the next 48 hours?
How will I know I have been successful in making this change happen in my life?
What else is resonant for me now? Take time to notice what your life is asking for.
As we welcome a new year, stay grounded in the values and practices you need most and find the people and places that truly make you come alive. We’ve created a complimentary 2023 Vision Reflection Guide to help you reflect on your intentions for the new year ahead!